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Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Twizzler Burrito?

There is a girl at work, her name is Rebecca, and she makes me laugh because she believes everything I tell her. I can make up a story off the top of my head and say it with a straight face and she believes me. At one point she believed I was a stripper with the stage name "The Ride 'Em Cowboy" and I dance at private parties.

The latest "story" was...I was talking to another co-worker and she was explaining a project her son was doing in school where you have to contruct a way to drop an egg off the roof of a building without it breaking. So Mary was explaining how she wanted to use twizzlers to protect the egg and from around the corner walks Rebecca and hears twizzlers and eggs. So she askes about it and with a straight face I say "didn't you hear that they are coming out with the new twizzler burrito?" And Mary joins in, and I'm so thankful she did to make the story more believable, and says "at McDonald's right?" so I said "yes, what they do is cut the twizzlers into tiny pieces and put it in with the egg and then wrap it in the burrito." Then I say to Rebecca "oh you haven't heard of it?" and of course she said "no". Totally believed the story too.

Oh it's fun having her around, the only bad thing now is she doesn't believe me when I do tell her something that's true, have I cried wolf too many times? Time will tell but I'll keep trying...

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